On Sat, Jun 24, 2000 at 10:37:27AM -0400, Joe Heafner wrote:
-> Greetings.
-> After much thought, I have come to the conclusion that a Zip Drive will
-> be my most economical and most efficient cross-platform backup solution.
-> I'm probably going to Best Buy this evening to pick one up. I need to
-> know if there are any concerns regarding the model. I'd prefer a
-> parallel port model. Will any capacity work?

Any capacity should work for you. I use a zip drive for part of a bare
metal recovery backup, and find I only need about 30 MB on the zip
drive. However, that's the minimum to get to a condition where I can
restore from tape in the second stage.

I believe that if you have the 250 MB version, it will read and write the
100 MB disks, so if I were buying one now, I'd look closely at the 250
MB. I don't know if they have a parallel port version, so check that out.

The paralle port model is far and away the easiest to move from computer
to computer.


                -- C^2

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