Hi Pj,

I do not know what may be causing your particular problems,
too much of a newbie myself.  However, the GUI programs
will start from the terminal window in, say, KDE, and I would
imagine Gnome as well.  If I am having a problem with a
program, I open a terminal window, after I have found the
executable file name by checking the rpm (through gnorpm).
and type the executable filename there and run it.  You will
get all the error messages in the terminal window.  Quite

I don't know if it works for all programs, but it has worked
for me to date.


John Aldrich wrote:

> On Sun, 25 Jun 2000, you wrote:
> >
> > Generally I am in Linux a couple of times a day. One of the things I was
> > taught in Winblows is... if I have lockups and errors to reboot because in
> > theory it resets the registry. Yes, I know Linux doesn't have a registry,
> > but what I don't know is.. if Linux needs to be rebooted because of errors?
> >
> It depends on what's erroring. :-)
> You MIGHT try booting to console mode and learn the "guts"
> of Linux first. Many of the graphical programs you're using
> are just "graphical front-ends" to console based programs.
> If you learn how to make the console programs work, you
> should be able to get the GUI programs to work. :-)
> For example, you can use ppp-on to go on-line and retrieve
> updated packages. Sure there's more to configure and it's
> not all in one nice neat package like KPPP, but it'll get
> you on-line. :-) OTOH, we seem to have resolved THAT
> problem for now... ;-)
>         John

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