On Thu, 29 Jun 2000, you wrote:
> sorry I didn't completely think out my answer....how do you run md5sum on the
> copy?  this particular copy is about a week old.
md5sum md5sums (D/L the md5sums file from the FTP site that you D/L
the ISO from)
> I am running a cable modem so it is only about an hour download for me....and 70
> minutes to burn one cd and 35 on the other....I can do again...any suggested site
> to download from?  if location is important I am in Florida real near Tampa
What speed is your CD writer? I've got a 4X4X16 CDRW at home and it
takes me 15-20 minutes to do the full-size CD, maybe 30 at most! 

Also, what brand of CD media are you using? I bought some Imation CD
blanks and burned a bunch of CDs on those, and had no end of problems
with other people being unable to read them. I got some no-name
80-minute CD blanks that are rated for up to 12X burning speed and
they work flawlessly!

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