
If you want the latest RPMs as built from the latest CVS (updated
every couple of weeks):

Everything you need is there and has been tested by me with Mandrake
7.1 (except kdevelop has a missing library).

Observe the proper order for adding the RPMs.

Phil wrote:
> Hi everyone
> I thought I would give kde2 a try on my Mandrake 7.1
> I downloaded all the rpm,s except the kde-qt-addons which was missing
> fromt he ftp site, but I found out that its contents were in
> kdesupport2.
> When I get to install kde-libs2 next I get a dependancy error
> Missing qt2 ( I need to upgrade to qt-2.1.1 I have qt-2.1)
> failed on
> failed on
> So as I dont appear to have any of these on my system so i cant run the
> nodeps option can someone please tell me where to find these three items



Ron. [AU] - sent by Mandrake Linux.

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