On Wed, 5 Jul 2000, Richard Fiedler wrote:

> I have Mandrake 7.1 up and running and for maintenance purposes I want to
> log on remotely as root for telnet and ftp from another system.
> Right now this seems to be defeated by the system. Can I change this?

1.) Never ever login as root!
2.) If you still want it:
    - check out /etc/securetty (delete it to set all ttys as "secure")
      ("best" securetty has only one line: tty1)
    - maybe check /etc/shells (checked by ftpd for valid user shell)
    - check /etc/inetd.conf
    - check /etc/hosts.deny and /etc/hosts.allow
3.) on telnet and ftp your password is sent readable and unencrypted over
the net, so please (please!) use openssh:
    - ssh instead of telnet
    - scp instead of ftp


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