Civileme wrote:
> It is a clear and distinct message to me when other distro users
> show up on this mailing list for help...  A very hopeful message
> for the future of amicability.
> By george, I'll help them with no distinction.  Of course my
> advice may not be as well researched, because I haven't seen the
> other distros in a while and I don't know immediately where to
> look for the tech support doc, but then they should know free
> advice is well worth what they pay for it.
> So why are those folks here?
> 1)  Their distro has a "cathedral-style mailing list", with
> _bona-fide_ "experts" instead of users struggling to help each
> other out.  We all have seen what happens to people who become
> too impressed with themselves and their own knowledge.
> 2)  The mailing lists for their distro are flame magnets.
> 3)  Their own distro has NO mailing list
> As long as they don't advocate their distros here, I don't think
> I have a problem.  If other distro users are showing up here and
> they are well-received, they'll be with us soon enough.  Now is
> not the time to deviate from a winning strategy, or from being
> our friendly selves.  I really don't think helping out people in
> need is raising the entropy of the universe, nor do I believe it
> constitutes tortious conduct.
> Best regards,
> Civileme

I'm running RH 6.2 at the moment.  I susbscribe to  this list since
there are lotta good people here and I've learned a tremendous amount.
 2 reasons I'm running RH.. When 7.0 came out there were just too many
problem's being reported.  I'm not good enough in Linux to fix some of
these on my own.  Also, as of tonite I own a CD burner.  I didn't
before, and I burnt a RH CD at work beacuse I needed to make a few work
projects that I wanted to run Linux on.  Now that I have a burner, I
will probably upgrade ( new install ) of Linux when KDE 2.0 comes out
and appears on Mdk.. I will probably go back to MDK since I think they
are really making it easier for some of us less knowledgable..


[EMAIL PROTECTED] ([EMAIL PROTECTED])     Running RedHat Linux 6.2 and/or 
BeOS 5.0.  No Windows involved

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