More information, and a suggestion for curing it.

The problem is this: Mandrake sets up a computer at installation with the
hostname of localhost.localdomain. The only way I have found to edit this
is the file /etc/sysconfig/network. During boot, this file is used to set
the hostname, the contents of the file /etc/HOSTNAME, and some other
values. So far so good.

I conjecture that X uses the original hostname, stored off somewhere in
the mess of X files, to set itself up. I never have learned where that
is. Anyone know? The result appears to be that the computer's host name is
charlesc, say, but the X system thinks it is running on localhost. So I
have to run "xhost charlesc" to allow any user other than the one who
launches X to display, even on the same machine.

Suggestion to Mandrake: I believe this can be handle by having X use
localhost, not the hostname, however derived.

The relevance to ssh is this: Apparently I have to run xhost on tester
before I can log in to it over ssh, either from the same machine or from
another. I found this out by doing a clean install on tester, then
immediately installing ssh. When it didn't worked, I backtracked my
installation and customization process. I finally realized that the lack
of xterms might be related to the host name problem. So I did an xhost,
and viola! I could get xterms, and I could log in from any computer I
wanted to use.

However, I still have to run X in order to run xhost. Since part of my
interest here is in running servers without X (let 'em display on my
desktop), this limits my interest in ssh.

Another problem: the ssh man page says, "The DISPLAY value set by ssh2
will point to the server machine, but with a display number greater than
zero.  This is normal, and happens because ssh2 creates a "proxy" X server
on the server machine for forwarding the connections over the encrypted
channel." I do not see this value being set. I cannot yet run an X program
(like xclock) on tester and have it display on charlesc. As far as I can
tell, X forwarding is enabled. I see this when I log in verbosely:

debug: Requesting X11 forwarding with authentication spoofing.

On Thu, Jul 06, 2000 at 11:18:06AM -0600, Charles Curley wrote:
> I have two boxes both running Mandrake 6.1, and ssh 2.2 from SSH
> Communications ( On both machines I can log in to one
> machine only, charlesc. I cannot log into the other from either
> machine. Here is a test run:
> root@charlesc # /usr/local/bin/ssh -v tester
> debug: hostname is 'tester'.
> debug: Unable to open /root/.ssh2/ssh2_config
> debug: connecting to tester...
> debug: entering event loop
> debug: ssh_client_wrap: creating transport protocol
> debug: SshAuthMethodClient/sshauthmethodc.c:99/ssh_client_authentication_initialize: 
>Added "publickey" to usable methods.
> debug: SshAuthMethodClient/sshauthmethodc.c:99/ssh_client_authentication_initialize: 
>Added "password" to usable
> methods.
> debug: Ssh2Client/sshclient.c:1097/ssh_client_wrap: creating userauth protocol
> debug: Ssh2Common/sshcommon.c:350/ssh_common_wrap: local ip =, local 
>port = 2799
> debug: Ssh2Common/sshcommon.c:352/ssh_common_wrap: remote ip =, remote 
>port = 22
> debug: SshConnection/sshconn.c:1853/ssh_conn_wrap: Wrapping...
> debug: Ssh2Transport/trcommon.c:593/ssh_tr_input_version: Remote version: 
>SSH-2.0-2.2.0 SSH Secure Shell (non-commercial)
> debug: Ssh2Client/sshclient.c:399/keycheck_key_match: Host key found from database.
> debug: Ssh2Common/sshcommon.c:189/ssh_common_special: special packet received from 
>connection protocol: 3
> debug: Ssh2Common/sshcommon.c:189/ssh_common_special: special packet received from 
>connection protocol: 4
> debug: Unable to open /root/.ssh2/identification
> debug: Ssh2AuthClient/sshauthc.c:309/ssh_authc_completion_proc: Method 'publickey' 
> debug: Ssh2AuthPasswdClient/authc-passwd.c:82/ssh_client_auth_passwd: Starting 
>password query...
> root's password:
> debug: Ssh2Common/sshcommon.c:189/ssh_common_special: special packet received from 
>connection protocol: 6
> Authentication successful.
> debug: Ssh2Common/sshcommon.c:538/ssh_common_new_channel: num_channels now 1
> debug: Requesting X11 forwarding with authentication spoofing.
> Failed to allocate pty!
> debug: Ssh2ChannelSession/sshchsession.c:1683/ssh_channel_start_session_completion2: 
>starting session failed: result 0
> debug: Ssh2Common/sshcommon.c:512/ssh_common_destroy_channel: num_channels now 0
> debug: Got session close with exit_status=0
> debug: destroying client struct...
> Connection to tester closed.
> debug: uninitializing event loop
> This may be related to an X problem: I can run X, and start applications
> up normally. But I can't seem to launch an xterm from the pop-up menu or
> from emacs' shell mode. Emacs reports that the shells (xterm and nxterm)
> both dump core, but gives no further error message.
> ccurley@charlesc $ uname -a
> Linux charlesc 2.2.13-7mdk #1 Wed Sep 15 18:02:18 CEST 1999 i686 unknown
> -- 
>               -- C^2
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                -- C^2

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