Submitted 10-Jul-00 by Sean Middleditch:

> How trustworthy are these RPM's?
> For example, the install on MDK 7.1 said the Xfree86 4.0 is was installing was
> only a 'snapshot release.'  The really upsets me if it is, because it sure as
> hell wasn't advertised as being so...  If not, then that's just another
> example of MDK's poor quality control when it comes to installations.

Have you visited  XF4 is not ready for primetime
according to them, which is why every other distro oly offers XF3.
While many of us, myself included, are able to run it with no
difficulty, it is experimental sofware, part of being on Mandrake's
"bleeding edge," not poor quality control.

Depending on a distro to keep you on the edge and then complaining
when they do so seems a might strange to me.

      ( )   *    Anton Graham
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