
I have a 20 gig Maxtor hard drive installed in my pc.  The BIOS does not
recognize the full capacity of the drive so I am using their release of
EZ-Drive called MaxBlast.  Naturally, Windows works fine.  I have Partition
Magic 5.0 Pro and have partitioned the drive for  FAT32 and also Ext2 file
systems.  When trying to install Mandrake 7.1, the partition program only
shows one large FAT32 partition and a tiny 7 MB partition at the end of the
drive.  I'm assuming this is due to MaxBlast being installed on the drive.
If I press the "restore partition table" button (in Expert Install Mode) the
Ext2 partitions are shown, but the remaining FAT32 partition is shown as a
blank or empty partition.  I am not brave enough to continue the
installation because I am afraid that my Windows partition will be

I have checked for a BIOS upgrade, but the most recent one available is from
1997 and does not mention anything about large hard drive detection.

I have previously installed RedHat 6.1 with the exact same partitioning
scheme and it detected everything properly.  I am wondering if there is any
command that can be passed to the installation routine that can help this.
Is there an updated boot disk that may help the partition detection?

Many thanks,


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