SSH is not so easy to get going out of the box when trying to
setup the public keys.  I have openSSH (in LM7.1) sshd running
no problem, and I can use client and secureCRT via
password login, but I can't figure out the public key setup.

I can create the private/public keys, transfer the key over
to my server box as ~user/.ssh/ but I get conflicting
help on the authentication file setup.  The client says
to add 'key' in 'authentication' file in ~user/.ssh2/
(for SSH2). This does not let me in. When I read the openSSH
man pages, it states

     The $HOME/.ssh/authorized_keys file lists the RSA keys that are permitted
     for RSA authentication in SSH protocols 1.3 and 1.5 Similarly, the
     $HOME/.ssh/authorized_keys2 file lists the DSA keys that are permitted
     for DSA authentication in SSH protocol 2.0.  Each line of the file con-
     tains one key (empty lines and lines starting with a `#' are ignored as
     comments).  Each line consists of the following fields, separated by
     spaces: options, bits, exponent, modulus, comment.  The options field is
     optional; its presence is determined by whether the line starts with a
     number or not (the option field never starts with a number).  The bits,
     exponent, modulus and comment fields give the RSA key; the comment field
     is not used for anything (but may be convenient for the user to identify
     the key).
     Note that lines in this file are usually several hundred bytes long (be-
     cause of the size of the RSA key modulus).  You don't want to type them
     in; instead, copy the file and edit it.
     1024 33 12121...312314325 [EMAIL PROTECTED]
     from="*,!" 1024 35 23...2334 ylo@niksula

But the '1024 33 ...' comes from identity file (default RSA ssh1 file) and
not from the id_dsa file (default DSA ssh2 file). So to use SSH2 with openSSH,
what do I enter for ~user/.ssh/authorized_keys2 file for the DSA public keys ?
Please provide a REAL EXAMPLE (changed to hide personal info).

I want to use secureCRT and openSSH. Anyone else got this working ?

Thanks... Dan.

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