On Sun, 23 Jul 2000, you wrote:
> Anyone know where I can find something
> in linux to play those dangbusted asf files?

Not no but "hell, No!"

Microshaft PATENTED the *.asf format ignoring the preexisting mpeg formats on
which it is based.  If there is ever a way to read the (decidedly second rate
quality) Active Stream Format files, it will have to be written by Microsoft. 
Anyone writing a program to decode the *.asf files, without written permission
of Microsoft, is an infringer.

Anyway, likely the patent is crap.  But the US Patent Office is the #1
Embarassment of the Digital Age, handing out software patents with very little
research (same staff, and ten times the workload) and letting the courts decide
which is valid.  Anyone have a spare $200 million (US) to go to court on this
patent with Microsoft and PROVE it is invalid?

And if you see words in this message I do not normally type, I think you can
see that I am furious because I am helpless before these bozos.


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