On Tue, 25 Jul 2000, Alan Blundell wrote:
> I've just joined this list, so apologies if this has been brought up before 
> (couldn't find it in the digests ...).
> There _have_ been a few posts about problems with 7.1 installs.  I had a 
> couple myself, which I thought were pretty serious:
> ........
> Bad point 2: The installer set up hdb1 '/',(1 to 15453 were the cylinder or 
> block numbers)
>                                 hdb2 (16454 to 1052352 as Linux extended)
>                                 hdb5 '/home', (16454 to 2226136)
> This meant that hdb5 was bigger than the extended partition it
> was in.  Mandrake accessed it without complaint, but Partition
> Magic and fdisk weren't happy.  

I had the identical thing happen to me both in the Mandrake 7.1 and the
TurboLinux 6 installs - which caused me no end of grief until I figured it out.

> I don't have a problem with any of this now, it's all working nicely,
> but there have been a couple of non-specific mentions of partition
> problems and I thought this might be helpful.  (I wondered if there
> was a problem with gnu parted in ther version used by the installer?)


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