>I am a Windows NT Network Administrator "MCSE" now i would like to
extend my
>skill & go for Linux Administration. now the question is that does my
>being an Nt administrator help me in any way with Linux.?

In the narrow technical view, not really. In a broader view, yes, it
helps immensly because many of the computer concepts are similar.
Consider an example using your home and my home. In each home there is a
place to cook and eat, a place to sleep, a place to bath, etc. Now, if
you come to my home and look for a particular kitchen utensil I may not
have exactly what you want, or I may have it in a drawer you would never
think to look at. But both of us have everything necessary to cook and
eat. The specific details about our homes differ greatly, but the
general concepts are the same. (All from the same Platonic Forms, so to

It's the same way with NT, Unix, VMS, name_any_other_OS_here. Most
things you need are there, somewhere. You may have to look around to
find them. And most Unix diehards think the Unix kitchen is better
equiped and better designed because it's built by diehards for diehards.

>Also what should i know to be a good Linux Admin ? I heard linux users
>to do a lots of  programing too do i have to do that as well ?

I have known people who knew no more than how to add and delete users,
and others who were truly amazing in their knowledge. You need to know
enough so you are comfortable with your results.


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