        I have a somewhat old computer here where the IDE controller 0 on the 
motherboard is broken : I can install only one hard disk + CD-Rom driver as 
(respectively) secondary master and slave.

Win98 has no problem with that and is installed on hdc1. I managed to 
install without problem Mandrake 6.0, but when I try with Mandrake 7.1 (I 
tryed only as an update) with a disk I got buying Maximum Linux magazine, I 
get an error just before the moment I should setup the disk partition 
saying something like "cannot find root partition". When I click OK to this 
message, nothing happens : the mouse still move but nothing happen if I try 
to click on another step of the installation.

I know that my computer is not particularly healthy, but I wonder why Win98 
and Mandrake 6.0 are ok, and not 7.1...

Any help is welcome.. :o)


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