Robert Engel wrote:
> That's about right!  With pine, if you put a pipe at the end of the config
> file line for sig file, pine will execute the file as a script/program and
> include the output as the sig.

I have a sinking feeling this won't work in Netscape Messenger. Never
the less, I'll put it on my hope to do list.
> An example... mine!
> In pine's config:
> signature-file           = sigfile|
> cat ~/sigfile
> echo "engelr"
> echo "---"
> echo "Linux:  Because rebooting is for hardware upgrades..."
> uptime

Now more than ever, I need a script tutorial. :)

> engelr
> ---
> Linux:  Because rebooting is for hardware upgrades...
>   2:10am  up 52 days, 16:05,  1 user,  load average: 0.10, 0.09, 0.02

That's awesome, though my roomate might try and use the data to pro-rate
my electric bill. But the bragging rights would be worth it. 
Darryl Gibson
Linux Neophyte (tm)
RLU # 182668
This computer is 100% Microsoft FREE

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