Easiest is to go to the web page . . .

> Hi-
> I've tried about 5 times to get off this list by emailing Majordomo, and I've
> also tried sending mail to "[EMAIL PROTECTED]" as the intro
> email suggests. The latter email bounces with a "User unknown". Majordomo
> silently fails to remove me.
> Well, I'll be getting a DSL line in here pretty soon and changing email
> addresses. So if the list admins don't mind the bounces, I don't mind staying
> on the list.
> Otherwise I would appreciate it if someone would take me off this list, and,
> since I plan to resub when everything is settled again, if someone could look
> into the functioning of majordomo and the existence of the owner-expert
> address that too would be nice.
> The bounced email is available on request for debugging purposes.
> Thanks,
> Steve Salkin

"Brian, the man from babble-on"              [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Brian T. Schellenberger                      http://www.babbleon.org
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