Sarang Lakare wrote:

> Hi,
> After rebooting my machine (had to move the machine at a diff place), I am
> not able to mount my cdrom drive. I hda problems with supermount and so i
> disabled it and then I played a lot with autofs.. I dont' know if that is
> causing this problem..
> This is waht I get when I try to mount cdrom
> [root@vx15 lsarang]# mount -t iso9660 /dev/scd0 /mnt/cdrom
> mount: the kernel does not recognize /dev/scd0 as a block device
>        (maybe `insmod driver'?)
> I have an IDE cd burner which is at /dev/hdc and lilo/grub has the string "
> hdc=ide-scsi" postfixed. I have tried mounting /dev/hdc , /dev/scd0 etc but
> same results.

I have an IDE cd burner and have had similar problems to what you describe
above. I was able to get it working by manually inserting the ide-scsi module
into the kernel after boot even though hdc=ide-scsi is on grub's startup
string. Run `lsmod` to see if the ide-scsi module isn't already loaded and if
it isn't run  `modprobe ide-scsi` from the command line as root. Then try
mounting the cdrom using the same command you have above. If this works (as it
does on mine) then you can tack `modprobe ide-scsi` onto the end of your
/etc/rc.d/rc.local startup file to have it done automatically.

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