can't be all that much different and I'm sure it still has the same bugs
in it that 4.73 has. I just wish I could uninstall 4.7x and put 4.61 back
in cause it sure didn't have anywhere near the troubles that the .7x
versions do. Last time I tried that though you would have thought I was
running windows the way my system acted up. Took me a week to clean up the

  ** Registered Linux user # 182496 **

On Mon, 31 Jul 2000, Harry Flaxman wrote:

> vern wrote:
> > 
> > Has anyone seen the Netscape ver. 4.74 yet??
> > I've seen the i386 version at losthope, and
> > wondered if it is worth waiting for the i586
> > version to come out?? This is almost as much
> > fun as scouring the web for the Carnivore source
> > code!! :-) Maybe we should scan Janet Reno's hard
> > drive, inquiring minds want to know!!
> > vern
> Have it installed and running from  I don't know how
> much different it is than 4.73.
> Harry

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