On Thu, 27 Jul 2000, rharvey wrote:

> What do I have to do to get access to my Linux box? I installed the
newest version of Linux mandrake.
> I choose high security. I can get out to the network. I can ping the
Linux box. but I cant access the www server or the ftp server or any other services 
from any where in my network.
> What is the best way to get access?
> I have checked the www servers config file every thing looks ok. the
same goes for the  other services ...

The high security mode is *not* designed for servers, as it assumes you
want to forbid everyone outside access to your machine.

It deactivates every service and changes ownerships of the directories so
users can't access other users' directories.

To work around that, either type "msec 3" to put your machine in "normal"
security, or do the following steps:

1- run "ntsysv" and activate the inetd and httpd services on boot
2- do a "chmod 0755" on these directories: /var/log/httpd, /home/httpd,
3- the services will run on next boot, but you can start them now by
   running /etc/rc.d/init.d/{httpd,inetd} start

Jean-Michel Dault

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