Seems to me that cron wasn't enabled by default.  You had to ask for it to be set
up either at install time or in LinuxConf.  If at is a part of the same package,
then probably all you need to do is tell cron (crond?) to start at startup.

Tony McGee wrote:

> On Sat, 29 Jul 2000, the little plastic letters were pressed in this order:
> >
> > As I was saying before I got sidetracked, I'd use `at` for one-time
> > appointments, but unfortunately, my Linux-Mandrake 7.0 doesn't seem to
> > have it.  Did I just overlook it, or it not available?
> >
> >
> > -Matt Stegman
> >
> It has been in every distribution I've used since 1997 and it's in MDK7.1 so
> it's pretty likely it was in 7.0 also. Might be an oversight or a strange bug
> in the install process. I've had packages that I was pretty sure I checked in
> the install mysteriously not be installed with no trace of failures in the
> install log either. Haven't complained to anyone though as I wasn't absolutely
> sure that it wasn't my bad memory :-)
> Tony
> (btw, anyone have any glitches installing the lsof and lslk packages from the
> install process when doing 'select individual packages'?)

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