Hi Patrick!

On Thu, 03 Aug 2000, Patrick Erler wrote:

> hallo MANDRAKE!
> i would like to execute a script after mail got fetched by fetchmail
> for a specific user.. i just can't find a way..
> maybe someone has an idea...

It depends upon _how_ fetchmail is being run.  If it is being run stand
alone, you could write a wrapper script that checks for exit codes 0 and 13
(both of which indicate that mail was delivered) and exectute the other
script based on that.

If you are dealing with a fetchmail daemon, you will likely need to look
into something on the order of a biff or buffy program that allows you
define a script to run when new mail is detected.

Anton Graham                            GPG ID: 0x18F78541
<[EMAIL PROTECTED]>                 RSA key available upon request

"Have you noticed there are no interesting people in heaven? Just a hint to
the girls as to where they can find their salvation."
  -- Nietzche, "The Will to Power"

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