On Fri, 04 Aug 2000, J A Shamsi pushed some small plastic letters in this order:
> HI
> I am new to shell scripting, 
> I would like to create a script in bash shell.
> that would do the following
> 1) find out the latest file ( text file)in a directory
> ( there are bunch of files in a dir)

ls -t1 <somedir> will sort files and give the one modified last at the top of
the list. You may need to watch out because it will include directories

> 2)open that file (text file) and parse the
> values seperated by comma and store them in variables.

Use the tr utility to translate commas to newlines and read one value per line

> just wondering is there any howto or documenation
> available on the web, or if anyone has any idea...
> thanks
> jas

`man bash` is invaluable for shell scripting. You could also look over your
startup scripts in /etc/rc.d/init.d/ and try to figure out what they are doing
to get a famiarity. Usually there will be a few comments in the script for


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