On Thu, Aug 03, 2000 at 08:39:37PM +0800, Seak, Teng-Fong wrote:

> > Joe User is running Linux "just to get his feet wet."  He has a
> > Win-Printer, and cannot print using Linux.  He creates a grocery list
> > using his favorite Linux editor, and before leaving for the store
> > reboots to print the list.
>      Win-printer?  Win-modem does exist, but I'm not sure if any
> win-printer exists.  Hard to believe anyway.  Can you give me any example
> so as to avoid them?

I've got one (unfortunately).  It's a Canon Multipass and the only
way I can print to it is via SMB having it connected to a dedicated
Win98 machine.  It absolutely will not print under Linux unless I
turn it into DOS compat mode which took me an hour to find in the
docs before and has to be reset after each print.  Incidentally, I
forgot how to put it into DOS compat mode and have no desire to
search the docs for an hour again.  =(  But yes, they do exist. 
Stupid thing is, I have the right filter installed under Linux and it
won't print properly even thru SMB... ink comes on way to light on
90% of the page.  Wierd.

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