Ok, when this machine boots up, if I try to login it takes forever (like 10
minutes) and generally rejects the password on the first attempt. On the second
attempt it takes 5 minutes or so and accepts it and all future login attempts
happen as one would expect.

Other (potnentially related) bugginess in the boot process is it generally
freezes on starting up linuxconf then kicks in after about 5 minutes.

Any ideas?/Requests for conf files ect?

-David Talbot

So long as the government has the power to invade our lives, rummage through 
our records, and take what it wants from our income, we will have only as 
much freedom and take-home pay as the politicians condescend to let us have.

-Harry Browne Libertarian Canidate for President (www.HarryBrowne2000.org)

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