Zaleski, Matthew (M.E.) wrote:
> Read the instructions on  They give explicit instructions in the
> installation guide on how to get the tools installed.  They are in a
> mountable floppy disk image that comes with VMware.
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Seak, Teng-Fong
> Sent: 8/4/00 12:25 AM
> Subject: Re: [expert] Vmware??? How to use it.
> Daniel Woods wrote:
> > > It's running quite well here at work, although I'm having quite a
> time
> > [deleted]
> > > the performance went down the crapper REAL fast.
> >
> > Did you install the VMWare toolbox tools ?
> > You can download the toolbox from their site.
> > These help to speed up performance and allow better settings.
>      Nope, from Vmware 2.0, toolbox tools are included already in the
> emulator.  Nothing to download from their site unless your guest OS is
> BSD.
>      Seak T.F.

I tell ya what....I've been over and over those instructions and I just
can't seem to make out how you're supposed to access those tools. Maybe
I'm missing something...I don't know. There isn't any .tar.gz file for
me to untar and the only image I've found is called linux.flp. What does
one do with this?

Mark Weaver
IT Dept./
Destiny Image Publishers

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