Hello everyone!

I installed Mandrake 7.1 about a month ago (previously using Redhat
6.2) on my Dell laptop. During the install, I repartitioned part of
the hard drive (IBM-DKLA-23240), merging two previously separate Linux

Now the problem is this: every now and then (not always) when I
restart my machine, fsck reports: "/dev/hda7 contains a file system
with errors, check forced" (hda7 is my root-partition). It then finds
about 10 problematic files saying "Setting filetype for entry XXX in
YYY to 6". These files are the same every time.

I first disabled supermount, thinking this might the problem, but no
change ocurred. I then ran fsck manually. Badblocks reported no
problems, and fsck seemed to find some problems, repairing them. But
the problem remains. What really confuses me is that fsck only reports
these problems once in a while.

So, I ask you, how do I proceed? What might be the problem?


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