Greetings fellow listees, can anyone help or point me in the right direction?

I'm trying to setup an e-mail server to replace our current one (sendmail on 
NT). The box I am running is:

Mandrake 7.2 w/ postfix
2.2.15-4mdksecure #1 SMP Wed May 10 14:16:48 CEST 2000 i686 unknown

I've got it all working to receive mail if I type into the mail header: 
"[EMAIL PROTECTED]", but I am having trouble getting it to recieve mail if 
I type in "[EMAIL PROTECTED]".... ?

DNS is being handled on a seperate server, and I have changed the obvious 
values for the MX record and CNAME entry to reflect the value of the new 
host. But as I mentioned, I can send mail from a remote client to (and pick it up via POP3), but it won't work if I send it to 
"[EMAIL PROTECTED]"??? Is this a POP3 issue or an SMTP/MTA issue?

Please any comments of how or where to look would be sorely appreciated.


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