Thanks for the advice.

I will try to install 7.1 with the HD directly attached to the mobo (ultra66)
and try the 2.2.16 kernel.

Hopefully that will make it work.

At 07:13 08.08.2000 -0700, you wrote:
>Promise does support the Linux community.  Linux ATA/100 support was
>announced on /. just after 7.1 was released or at least just around the
>same time.  This means that the Mandrake folks probably didn't get a
>chance to incorporate it into the stock 7.1 distro.  Try installing mdk
>7.1 on a lesser controllor (ultra33/66) and then try out the 2.2.16
>kernel.  If that doesn't work try to patch a virgin kernel source with
>the ATA/100 patch for the 2.2.15 kernel or wait for 7.2.
>Terje Bjerkelia wrote:
> > I've just purchased an Ultra ATA/100 Controller and a
> > ATA/100 drive.
> >
> > When I try to install 7.1 it can't detect the Promise controller.
> >
> > Anyone who knows if it's possible (and how) to get this to
> > work.
> >
> > Terje

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