> Also, how do I find or modify the "root" password for
> zope?  It is set when zope is installed, but of
> course, I didn't do the install, it was a Mandrake
> package.
I think you have to edit the file /var/zope/access. The root account is
specified like this: <login>:<password>

Unfortunately I cannot help you with your other problem. It should also
be mentioned that I run Zope on a Mandrake 7.0 installation. The status
message seems ok to me. Did you check the logs? What security settings
do you have? I experienced some problems on a Mandrake 7.1 with medium
security. Samba and Apache did not have access to some files they should
be able to access. Perhaps it is something like that? Just an idea...

Hope some of that helps...


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