> I've got apache-1.3.12-24mdk installed on my machine.  When someone accesses
> my machine via http it doesn't show up in the logs in /var/log/httpd. 
> Sometimes it takes some minutes until the entry shows up in the logs,
> sometimes it doesn't appear at all!  HostnameLookups is off and I also tried
> chown'ing the files in /var/log/httpd to nobody.nobody.  This didn't help at
> all.
> Is that behaviour expected, or am I doing something wrong?
> Alexander Skwar

I also installed mod-perl (see previous message) and I don't seem to have
problems with the log files.  I can access one of my virtual websites and
then check the logs, and they appear right away.

I also have /etc/httpd/logs linked to /var/log/httpd, and I use sub-directories
for each virtual websites within that log directory.

My <VirtualHost www.site1.com> section contains...
    ErrorLog logs/site1/error_log
    TransferLog logs/site1/txfr_log
    CustomLog logs/site1/access_log script
    CustomLog logs/site1/access_log common
    CustomLog logs/site1/referer_log referer
    CustomLog logs/site1/agent_log agent

Thanks... Dan.

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