Sridhar G wrote:
> I've a couple of MP3 files. How to write these files to CD as a normal
> CD.
> Cheers
> Sridhar

Here is a script of mine.  I call it
makecd.  Just copy it into a file and make it executable.  Then you just
give it a list of mp3's on the command line and it writes it.  The
script make some assumptions, but change it to change those assumptions
should be easy.

1. You already can write regular data CDs.  This means that you have
SCSI cd-writer, or (more likely) you have SCSI emulation going.
2. Your CD-writer is on SCSI device 0.  This is almost certainly true if
you have SCSI emulation ('casue you have either an IDE or parallel-port
writer), and almost certain false if you have a true SCSI system.
3. Your CD-writer can write at 4x speed.  If it's recent and it's SCSI
and/or parallel, this is probably the case, though if you have a slow
CPU the mp3 decoding might not be able to keep up, and a slower speed
might be called for.  If you have a parallel-port writer, you probably
can't go past speed=1.

Here's the script, far smaller than the explanation:
#! /bin/csh -f

foreach fn ($*)
    mpg123 -s $fn | cdrecord dev=0,0 speed=4 -audio -pad -swab -nofix -

cdrecord dev=0,0 -fix -eject

Hey Brian!
        Question, will this convert the .mp3 to .cda format or will it just place
the mp3's on a cd?  I was under the impression that the later would take
place and that you had to, at some point, convert the file type (or else not
be able to use the cd in a normal cd player).


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