On Wed, 16 Aug 2000, Mallard wrote:

Oh my, Mallard:

Your're really getting emotional with this vi thing. I'd like to say
your're suggestion would help some, but make others get stuck with pico
that they don't even use. I myself used to use pico some, but found it too
featureless for programming. I'll let the Mandrake developers decide on
the fate of the default editor...

> So put a big RED sticker on the disk with "WARNING: You may need to go 
> buy a book to learn how to use the overboard, overdesigned, lots of
> features editor on this disk called "vi". It uses strange key sequences
> since the programmer lived on another planet when he wrote it. We could
> have put a simple editor like pico on this disk, but why bother? We are
> geeks and know all this stuff so you should too. It's too bad if you
> don't like it, but we like all this old stuff we started with when we
> were in high school and can't let go of it."
> That sounds like a clearly defined plan. Just like pressing ESC to get
> into another mode so you can exit.
> This whole thread shows how the geeks won't let go of this stuff and
> thus Linux won't make it against winDOS or Mac. I can see Bill G.
> laughing all the way to the bank.
> People shouldn't need to know ANYTHING about computers to use one, or
> read all sorts of documentation to get something done on one. The next
> generation of OS that makes it will the one that is programmed to
> interface with a human without a learning curve. Geeks will hate it.


Ellick Chan
Aug 16

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