On Wed, 16 Aug 2000, you wrote:
> Thus spake Tony McGee ([EMAIL PROTECTED]):
> [...]
> > Firewalling works by selectively blocking off access to certain Internet
> > Protocol ports. It's recommended to have a single dedicated machine as a
> > firewall and a second one as an internal mail/web server but if you're short on
> > machines you can always just combine the two servers onto the one box and be
> > more careful about your firewall rules. For a full run down on how the firewall
> > sofftware IPCHAINS works refer to it's HOW-TO document.
> For those of us without the time to spend and who can afford it,
> Linksys (I'm pretty sure) make a CABLE/DSL/Firewall/10-100 Ethernet
> switch all in one box which retails for $299 Cdn (so presumably around
> $200 US).
It's listed in warehouse.com's catalog for $179 US.

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