Stephen Carville wrote:
> Hash: SHA1
> On Sun, 20 Aug 2000, Peter M Aarestad wrote:
> - - Ellick Chan wrote:
> - - > Try enabling the verbose modes on the sshd and ssh itself, I believe the
> - - > flag was -v, then analyze those logs. They can tell you a lot.
> - - ssh_exchange_identification: Connection closed by remote host
> This line means that the server side is not allowing you to access it.
> Nine times out of ten this is caused by LIBWRAP support which uses
> hosts.allow and hosts.deny to control access
> Add the following line to hosts.allow:
> sshd : ALL

I had a big DUH moment just now. My /etc/hosts.deny read like this

ALL:ALL except localhost: DENY

before I deleted that line. Now, telnet works splendidly:

[pma@paarestad pma]$ telnet localhost
Connected to localhost.localdomain.
Escape character is '^]'.
Welcome to Linux-Mandrake
login: pma
Last login: Sun Aug 20 23:00:42 from localhost.localdomain
You have mail.
[pma@paarestad pma]$

but ssh is still acting up, even after I made the above change:

[pma@paarestad pma]$ ssh localhost
[EMAIL PROTECTED]'s password: 
Last login: Sun Aug 20 22:57:57 2000 from localhost.localdomain
Connection to localhost.localdomain closed.
[pma@paarestad pma]$

At least it is now asking for my password, but it closes immediately
after successful login. I'd be ok w/telnet, but I'd like to get ssh
working for security purposes. We're almost there, though...


peter aarestad :-)
peace, love, happiness, Christ, music, etc...
"The world really doesn't need more busy people, maybe not even more
intelligent people. It needs 'deep people'..."
        -Don Postema

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