I had the same problem with a .pl program in cgi-bin
to solve it I changed the extension from .pl to .cgi and
the problem went away for me
why? I have no clue, but it worked


-----Original Message-----
Sent: Wednesday, August 23, 2000 4:59 PM
Subject: Re: [expert] cgi-bin problems / file not found running
perl/cgiscript (repost)

If none of the suggestions so far helps, it would probably be helpful to
include the contents of the httpd.conf file for people to inspect.  (and
the access.conf file, if that is separate).  My guess would be that you
may need to fix a <Directory> .. </Directory> section.

> Check the actual permissions on the directory and also check to see what
> the options are in the conf file for that specific directory.  This will
> mainly be to see if you can actually execute cgi/perl from this directory
> (although I suspect that even if you could not run them .. they would
> to the screen in your browser when you try to).  Another thing to do is
> test other cgi/perl in the same directory to see if *they* can in fact be
> executed ... this should help at least narrow down the culpret.
> Lonny Selinger
> "Heinz Wittenbecher" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> on 08/23/2000 02:19:26 PM
> Please respond to [EMAIL PROTECTED]
>  To:      "[EMAIL PROTECTED]"
>           <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>  cc:      (bcc: Lonny Selinger/SaskPower)
>  Subject: [expert] cgi-bin problems / file not found running
>           perl/cgi script (repost)
> [Apologies in advance if this appears twice but since this post didn't
> appear overnight I thought I'd try again]
> I'm trying to execute a simple perl script. Have tried several.
> Web Server complains about "Internal Server" error
> and in the apache error_log it's an error 2: File or directory not found.
> (but the script is in the cgi-bin directory)
> httpd.conf has the /cgi-bin/ set to /home/httpd/cgi-bin/
> directory is owned by root with permissions at 755, as it was left per
> mandrate install process.
> perl script owned by root with chmod at 755
> I've tried it on several machines (all Mandrake or RedHat flavored) with
> same results.
> Have tried it with username other than root. have tried with perms at 777,
> all to no avail.
> A standard shell (bash) script works ok.
> Location of perl is as per first line in perl script.
> Have tried no extension, .pl and .cgi extensions.
> What did I overlook?
> Thanks in advance for any hints/suggestions.
> Heinz
> ***********************************************************************
> * Heinz Wittenbecher,      Byte Designs Ltd.    Voice: (604) 534-0722 *
> * [EMAIL PROTECTED]    Langley, BC CANADA     Fax: (604) 534-2601 *
> *                      http://www.bytedesigns.com                     *

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