My system starts up and runs great but will not unmount cleanly.  Each
time I shutdown, the shutdown gets stuck at the message "Supermount_Put
Write_Access: file system not write accessed"  I have to power-off and
then power-on which results in the "dev/hda1" and "dev/hda6" not cleanly

unmounted -- check forced routine being executed.  I have an AMD K6-233
board, Number Nine Imagine 128 video card, Sony CRX120E RW CD-Rom,
Conner 1.275G drive, Normal Mouse, keybord, etc.  Nothing weird or
fancy. Approximately 500M devoted the the Mandrake Install, 128M Swap,
400M User partition.  Does anyone have any idea why my system will not
shutdown/unmount cleanly?

I have tried shutdown -h now from Kde as well as shutdown from the login

screen -- same message, same results.  Any assistance will be greatly
apprecited.  I know my hard drive has to be getting "Pis..d Off" -


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