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I have a Linux system I want to replicate a couple of times.  There is about 350 megs 
worth of data on a 1 gig HD, and I want to copy the data to some 500 meg hard drives.  
None of the disk cloning software wants to let me do this, as my destination is 
smaller than my source.   Since I only have 350 megs total (a little in /boot, 64 megs 
of /swap, and 300 megs of /), I know this should be possible.

I hooked up my 500 meg drive on the unused secondary IDE port, and used the cfdisk 
program to set up the partitions.  Somehow, I managed to mount it (probably the wrong 
way), and copied all data to it.  When I tried booting it, LILO was messed, so I 
booted from Floppy.  It failed in a kernel panic - can't mount root.

What is the easiest way to copy the data from a linux hd to another hd, when the 
destination is a different size than the original?  I can also see needing to do the 
reverse: upgrading to a larger HD on another system.  Is this a painful process?


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