How many SRPMS for MDK-7.1 do you find at:

You are referring to the mandrake-devel directory not 7.1.

Alexander Skwar writes:
 > On Sun, Aug 27, 2000 at 12:58:11AM +0100, Fergal Daly wrote:
 > > Hi,
 > >    I've searched the archives of the mailing lists and seen this question 
 > > arise several times but it doesn't seem to have ever been answered 
 > > properly! Either the question has been ignored or the link provided isn't 
 > > any use. The SRPMS directory on the mirror sites only has about 100 
 > > packages. Can anyone tell me where all the others are? Thanks,
 > Dunno what you're talking about, the main mirror at
 > contains
 > right now 936 SRPMS.  Don't know, but it seems like you're using a quite
 > outdated mirror.
 > Alexander Skwar
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