On Tue, Aug 29, 2000 at 09:09:47PM -0700, Ralph Dewitt wrote:
>    For a number of resons including the DSL servers are not running right
>    I
>    have had to install the DSL modem to my windows machine. My linux and
>    Winboxes are connected using a hub. My problem is that
>    my linux box does not see the internet. I have only the two boxes. One
>    is
>    win98 the other is Linux.

W98 is incapable of acting as a router or firewall without 3rd party

The best solution is to get the modem working on the Linux box. W98 is
hideously insecure, and you are probably in effect sharing a network with
other DSL users in your area. This leaves your W98 box open to cracking.

>    I have configured as follows:
>    Linux::
>    eth0: IP is
>    Net mask is
>    Gateway is
>    Name server is set to earthlink.net
>    with the three ip address of their DNS servers.
>    The winbox is configured as follows:
>    The Tcp/IP card:
>    IP is set to
>    Netmask is
>    Wins Resolution is disabled
>    Gateway is blank
>    DNS is disabled.

Are you sure DNS is disabled?

>    Bindings are:
>    Client for MS networks
>    File and Print Sharing
>    MS Family log on
>    IPX/SPX
>    Can anyone help me correct what is wrong and get my linux box to the
>    internet.
>    By the way the DSL modem is a Fujitsu Speedport and the Win box uses
>    WinPoET
>    to connect to the net.  I desperatly need to get the linux box out to
>    the internet for email and updating. Thanks in advance for your help.
>    Ralph


                -- C^2

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