
Tonight, I was watching the lights on the switch I have connecting my DSL line to
my servers, and saw a prolonged, intensive activity to one of my machines that is
a web server, amongst other things.  During this activity, I telnetted in, and took
a peek at the logs to see just what was going on.

Running Apache, but no html access logged within the past few hours
Running ftp, but no ftp access either within the past few hours
Running Postfix, but once again, nothing -current-.
Running RealServer, but I looked at its log, nothing recorded in there that was 
Nothing in MESSAGES, AUTH.LOG, MAIL.LOG, SECURE, XFERLOG that was recent.

I am not running a nameserver on this machine.  Running the basic stock services that 
Mandrake 7.1 sets up.

Where should I look for more info?

Is there a package that perhaps comes with 7.1 that is a monitoring program that I
could access via my browser?


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