frank wrote:

> oddly, most of the responses on this thread deal with lilo rather than grub,
> which is a clearly superior find out more about grub, type:
> info grub
> while at a command prompt (either in console mode or in a terminal emulator)
> if you've not got the manual on your machine, it's available online at:
> the grub manual appears to have been written by someone who not only knew
> grub well, but knew how to effectively write a's excellent...
> briefly:
> 1. be in root
> 2. cd to /boot/grub (where the grub files are located)
> 3. (optional but advised) install grub first on a floppy:
>         dd if=stage1 of=/dev/fd0 bs=512 count=1
>         dd if=stage2 of=/dev/fd0 bs=512 seek1
> 4. after floppy trial-run, be in /boot/grub and type:
>         grub (this puts you in the grub shell)
> 5. at grub prompt type:
>         setup (hd0) to set in mbr
> or:
>         setup (hdX,X) where X denotes hd and partition
> but be aware that grub uses a different and more coherent numbering system
> for hd and partitions than is generally short, rtfm...
> frank
> -------------------

Thanks Frank, I set up Grub then tried it out, at first I was having boot
errors but I quickly edited the menu.lst file in /boot/grub to fix it!! While
reading the Grub info page I saw that grub can boot BZIMAGE files. Can LILO do
that as well? I could have avoided this whole mess by simply pointing LILO or
Grub to the Primary FAT32 partition which has the BZIMAGE that I use with

Anyway, now that this works I'd like to now any possible boot time arguments
that would increase the performance of my machine. Currently I boot linux

linux root=/dev/hda6 ro mem=131072k auto vga=4 hda=autotune hdc=autotune

Are there any boot time parameters that would allow me to load the Linux kernel
into a RAMdisk for uptimum performance?

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