> 10 favorite Linux tips...
> (http://forum.mandrakesoft.com/article.php3?sid=20000904061455)

Well, I don't know is the url is corret or not but I would like to write one of my
favourite tips.
It's one about bash.

Everybody knows that you can finish the commands with the tab key. Well, I came from 
windoze world, and this is to me a wonderfull thing. This is a simple, easy thing that
everybody can do, and help you a lot.

Nothing more.


> I just read a Top 10 Tips for Linux Users Top 10 Tips for Linux Users ,
>  and this made me think...
> Everyone has its own favorite tips, any mine are certainly different from his:
> I never leave the bash, and use perl + xemacs for most
> of the work, so i do not consider "changing a shell"
> so important , and there is nothing better for printing
>  man-pages than xemacs + pretty-print.
> The rest is OK, except for the last tip, since you get this
>  out of the box for Mandrake-linux.
> I guess my favorite Linux tip is:
> use private/public keypair for ssh! And LM 7.1 comes with a
>  special surprise: Once you have generated such keypair with
>  "ssh-keygen", your X-session will be started as ancestor of "ssh-agent".
> So, all you have to do is just copy the public key to machines where you want to 
>  and make sure to run "ssh-add". For the rest of the day
> you will not have to type any passwords. :-))
> How about YOUR favorite tips?
email;internet:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
fn:Leopold Palomo

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