Asheesh Laroia wrote:
> On Wed, 6 Sep 2000, Ron Johnson, Jr. wrote:
> > HOWEVER, in the commercial realm, when dozens of clerks are
> > logged into a system, it is often useful (for tracking, auditing
> > or consistency, etc.) to only let a clerk log into a system once.
> But if I wanted to wreak havoc on the tracking system, I'd just open about
> 11 bash shells, scores of rxvts, and a few instances of Netscape.  That
> way, I'd have lots of possible input methods on a *single* login.
> Put simply, I don't think the concept of a single login really exists in
> Linux Mandrake.
> Best regards, though.  Anyone with more constructive suggestions, feel
> free to prove me wrong!
> -- Asheesh Laroia.

I agree with u; I was simply pointing out a circumstance where
single-login is useful...

Would it be easier, if not foolproof, to enforce single-login
on dumb serial terminals?

| Ron Johnson, Jr.        Home: [EMAIL PROTECTED]       |
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