Sarang Lakare wrote:
> don't blame Mandrake when you don't have enuff knowledge and when u are
> trying to install it alongside windoze on a small partition!

I don't know where this became a personal crusade, but you're entitled
to your opinion, just don't push it down other people's throat.

> that aside, Mandrake by default creates seperate partitions for root ("/"),
> home ("/home") directories.. so although u're total free hard-disk space is
> more, u're root may have half the space allocated for it.. and remaining
> for /home.. there are _may_ logical reasons for doing this.. but if u dont'
> like this, then select expert mode, remove all allocations, create swap,
> and then create "/" on the remaining and u're done!

You assumed what I did and didn't do.  I already have a separate
partition for swap and the rest for "/".

> As of Mandrake not installing all packages, u must have screwed somethign..
> again, don't blame Mandrake for installation.. its too good to be blamed in
> my opinion.

I saw what I saw.  Plenty of room for the installation.  After
finishing expert mode, I selected done and it crapped out.

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