Matthew Micene wrote:
> On Tue, 26 Sep 2000, you wrote:
> >
> > Does anyone have experience with this type of unit?
> > Their website says that it works with BRU & Lone-Tar, but I
> > wonder if is it quality hardware that works with cpio, tar, etc.
> I just bought one of these for the office and I must say I am not sure
> whether or not to be impressed.  I like the amount of space on the tapes,
> the native throughput is not bad (about 1Gig/hr).  BRU handles the drive
> very well, once you patch the kernel to properly use the ide version.  As
> of yet I have not tried cpio tar etc, however mt works like a charm for
> moving around the tape :)  I am not an expert cpio user but if you'd
> like, privately email me and I can perhaps  run some tests for you?

What kernel do you use?  The OnStream web site seems to indicate
that 2.2.16 (which I have) doesn't need to be patched.

1GB/hr?  I guess you get what you pay for.  At work, we have
a DLT-7000 (35GB native) drive plugged (via SCSI-2) into a  466MHz
Alpha 4100 and get 12GB/hr.  Of course, the DLT drive (a 7 tape 
stacker) costs $30,000...

Can I email you in a month to ask you how you like it?

| Ron Johnson, Jr.        Home: [EMAIL PROTECTED]       |
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