man you just complicat things, a server first of all the program would be 
installed on the system its recording, which works a lot better, sure you 
could try and record a keystroke across the net but the error rate would be a 
little high, if its on the system it can record it then if you modify this 
program it would send a transcript of this to your terminal like in a text 
but most key loggers are used to record the keystrokes of another user on the 
same computer, or in corperate management where it does what i stated up 
above, to manage their employees use of the system this works on  networks 
but in the internet i wouldnt recomend it

In a message dated 28-Sep-00 14:30:11 Central Daylight Time, 

<< Boy, couldn't *that* be used as a great cracking tool...
 Wouldn't you need a "keystroke server" (possibly a module in the
 kernel, to trap keystrokes), and an open port on the "other machine" 
 to capture the strokes and then send them to the collecting machine?
 Ron >>

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