The server may well be overloaded.  It defaults to looking
at one specific server.  This too is changeable if you wish.

If you do a "buildkernel --help" you will end up with a 
list of the possible options.  Among the options, set by
a commandline switch, is the server from which you get 
your kernel.  You could try changing it to another 
kernel mirror.  

I have, sometimes, also run into a problem
if I do not indicate a specific kernel (don't know 
why, it should default to downloading the latest stable),

In such a case, it will connect but then report that it
couldn't find a kernel, or some such.  Getting around that
is simple:  the latest stable kernel, still, is 2.2.17.  
All you need to do is add the switch --BKKERNELTOBUILD=2.2.17
and it will then download the proper kernel.

good luck.

Mark Weaver wrote:
> Mike Bergen wrote:
> >
> Thanks Mike,
> I've managed to get the program and at the moment it's running, but I'm
> not sure if it's going to work. It keeps stopping. This time it says
> that either my internet connection is outn (not very likely since I'm on
> a LAN, out of disk space, (I don't think so cause I know there's almost
> 2GB of space left on the /usr/src partition, or something about the ftp
> server being overloaded. I guess it's going to be interesting to see
> what actually happens if I ever get this thing working.

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