On Mon, Oct 16, 2000 at 12:47:11PM -0400, Russell Elik Rademacher wrote:
>       Now I got a problem here, and I am wondering if anyone have experienced
> something anything remote to this.  I have built the 7.1/7.2 Beta Server and
> it been running for about 2 days, when we had a power outage.  So... when
> the power came back on, and I rebooted the machine, I noticed that one
> partition, the /usr seems to be wiped entirely.  Reason is that when it
> started the init script bootup, it will spawn like crazy and stops there and
> I have to boot into it as single user mode to see what the problem is wrong.
>       Anyone got this similiar problem here, since I got that kind of problem
> with 7.1 back then on my workstation few times and I thought it is a freak
> of nature.  But now...having seen the same thing on production server, it
> make me wonders if there is seriously wrong with the distro or something
> that I have in place.

I haven't seen this exactly, but I've seen similar. The first thing I'd
dis is run fsck on it (from single user mode or a single floppy disty like

This sounds like exactly the sort of reason one should have a bare metal
restore backup and restoration plan. I've taken to doing that when I
install a new OS.


                -- C^2

No windows were crashed in the making of this email.

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