Download and examine the pmfirewall scripts from
They do exactly what you need and you might be able to simply incorporate
those scripts into your current firewall scripts...or, vice versa.


----- Original Message -----

> A year and some change ago I scrounged together a computer, put mdk on
> it, and set it up as a masquerade firewall and DHCPd server for my cable
> modem at home.  I have a script that is run at boot (and is set up to be
> rerun at any time) to set up all of my ipchain rules and load kernel
> modules (like for ftp and such) and of course DHCPd has its config
> file.  (The ipchains script has global [script] variables to store IP
> address for interfaces, store interface is which and stuff like that.)
> A couple of my friends saw what I did and realized that they needed
> something like that, so I set up computers for them.  The problem is
> that my address never changes, so everything is always happy for me, but
> their addresses are dynamic and keep on changing.  The current mdk 7.1
> seems to be able keep rolling along when the IP address and default
> gateway change, but problems arise when the cable modem providers change
> the DNS servers and also in the rare instance that a machine gets
> rebooted. (Linux has been a solid performer, but there are others
> factors that come into play.  One household got switched to a different
> network and was issued a new cable modem along with that and things
> chugged along ok until a month or so down the road when the computer was
> rebooted.)
> A possible solution that I thought of, but haven't tried yet would be to
> do the following:  Write a script to update the ipchains and dhcpd
> config file when addresses change then have the script reload dhcpd and
> rerun the ipchains config file.  Set up an hourly cron job to run this
> update script.
> 1. First have the script archive any pre-existing Sed scripts to update
> dhcpd and ipchains.  Also have it look for a saved copy of resolv.conf
> and archive the saved resolve.conf file if present.
> 2. Have the update script run ifconfig and an Awk script to pull the
> Internet IP address out of the ifconfig output and generate a Sed script
> to update the ipchains and dhcpd config files.  Also make a new saved
> copy of resolv.conf
> 3. Run diff on the new and archived resolv.conf files.  If the new one
> is different, then run an Awk script to append Sed commands to the Sed
> script to update the dhcpd config file.  (Do nothing if there is no
> archived file.)
> 4. Then, if there are archived Sed scripts, run diff to check for
> differences between the new and archived scripts.  If there is a
> difference, run the new Sed script and rerun the ipchains config or
> reload dhcpd.  (Do nothing if there is no archived file.
> This seems like a cluggy way to do things.  Is there a more elegant way
> to keep ipchains and dhcpd information up to date?  I would especially
> like to do something that would be triggered to update everything
> necessary the moment that dhcpcd got new IP information from the ISP.


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