On Tue, Oct 31, 2000 at 11:37:04AM -0500, Larry Marshall wrote:
> > 
> > Here's a solution: don't use VMWare at all. 
> Great idea.
> >Just get StarOffice and mount your Windows partition in Linux, then you never even 
>have to
> > bother with the Microsoft products and you don't need to move your files
> Another good one...if my needs were the same as yours.  I'd agree that
> this is a reasonable solution for most people, though I still don't like
> that silly Star Office desktop.
> Unfortunately, while Star Office is very good at import/export of Word
> documents, it's not good enough to suit my needs.  First, it doesn't have
> sufficient font support, though I suppose that can be fixed with some
> work.  But more importantly, I do a lot of work requiring a lot of
> graphics imbedding and fairly precise page layout.  Often these documents
> are also very large (2-3 megabytes).  All of this stretches the limits of
> Star Office beyond it's ability to do Word import/export.  Also, there is
> no ability whatever to import/export Word Perfect documents.  This is
> another thing I need as I have to provide this format at times.

Let me suggest two things.

First, Word format is flakey, and varies even from versions of Word with
the same version number. If you can get your correspondents to export
documents as RTF, you may have better luck. Similarly when they re-import
your files they will have better luck if you ship as RTF.

However, I have had serious problems with Word re-reading 2-3 MB documents
that it had just spat out. Word is buggy. The more sophisticated your
document formatting, the worse Word is. I doubt anyone at Microsoft has
ever done up an entire book in Word, with ToC, indexes, appendicies,
tables of illos, etc. I know I shan't again.

Second, I use Applix 4.x quite sucessfully with both RTF and Word formatted
documents. I have just ordered the latest version, 5.x. It meets the
requirements you set out above.


                -- C^2

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